Free mash-up albums

Recently while doing my monthly check through coworkers’ iTunes shares looking for music that I haven’t been exposed to yet, I stumbled across a fantastic series of mash-up albums. A+D has released a "Best of Bootie" album each year since 2005 containing the best tunes played at their mash-up parties during that year.

What’s even better is that while searching for more information on the Internet about these albums, I found that they are being given away free on Bootie‘s website. Several of the years had so many mash-ups that were considered the best that they would not all fit on a CD. Because of this, there are also bonus tracks that may be downloaded.

I have found that it does not matter if you are unfamiliar with the tracks being mixed in most cases as many of the songs do not need a frame of reference. Before encountering these albums, I was familiar with the concept of mash-ups, but had not really been exposed to this phenomena; I am truly impressed by how such disparate songs can be blended so seamlessly. Also, many of the the tracks are quite humorous such as "Its Fun to Smoke Dust".

A few of my favorite mixes are "Funky Goes to Hollywood", "It’s Fun to Smoke Dust", and "Tricky Sandman". The first is a combinations of "Relax" by Frankie Goes to Hollywood and "Play that Funky Music" by Wild Cherry. The second is Queen’s "Another One Bites the Dust" mixed with a minister trying to convince people that this same song is trying to lead people to smoke marijuana. Last is "It’s Tricky" by Run-D.M.C. – which, as it is one of my favorite songs I have written a video analysis of it ? combined with Metalica’s "Enter Sandman". I am really amazed by how well these last two songs can be blended together while still staying true to and not detracting from the original music.

I hope to have time in the near future to write full reviews of each of the albums on Music Reviews. Until then, happy listening.


  1. I am trying to find these albums and will post some reviews when I get hold of a few.

  2. cball says:

    These albums should be at the link in the post (; was the site down?

    You may actually beat me to writing a review of them, I keep meaning to but have, so far, been too busy. If you review any or all of them, feel free to post a link in the comments to let everyone know.

  3. emule has got some good inventory of free music.~;”

  4. Libby Murray says:

    i always get free music from Torrent and Emule. P2P is great.-*:

  5. cball says:

    Unlike *most* music found on Bit Torrent and other peer-to-peer services, these albums are given as free downloads by the artists and are, therefore, completely legal. The reason that “most” is emphasized in the previous sentence is that there is actually a large amount of legal music on peer-to-peer networks, and I did not want to imply that all music downloaded from these service would make the RIAA take notice.

  6. i can see lots of free music on the internet but most of them are pirated. -”

    • cball says:

      Yeah, its rare when a group or – as in this case – other organization releases music for free. iTunes releases 3 or 4 free tracks weekly, eMusic releases a new track daily, and Amazon has been known to give away free sampler albums. Groups such as Girl Talk and Nine Inch Nails also give away free music occasionally.

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